Poems from the Wyoming Landscape

Hayley Pearson-Horner

Age 16
Cody, Wyoming


(blank verse)

The shadow of whispering reeds blocks me

sun shines energizing my particles

my pure waters stay untouched of evil

I provide clean nourishment to all life

I’m the snake of the snake, a windy wind

I twist, bend, and turn because I am free





I run through the turbines’ blades

a second is spent for the worlds’ aid

my days are filled with generating power

I am at service to the land I scour

the air stays clean with the energy I made





I stand against the elements

holding boulders to me

those who pass by are always safe

I’m spread for all to see


the destroyers have gone at last

people once marked my walls

now they just admire my beauty

nature brings them with calls


I am no longer a passage

people stay for glory

suddenly everyone listens

as I tell my story




(terza rima)

The clouds engulf the top of me

I sit on top of the brilliant show

looking upon the wonderful world I get to see


The small towns and cities cascade just below

skirting around my base staying at the brink

they respect my boundaries and my natural flow


Humans explore me, scouring every part they think

they hike to the top of forests and ridges

I stay afloat avoiding what makes me sink


The land counts on me to be a bridge

I add texture to the earth, keeping it from being bland

without me, Wyoming would decimate to a smidge


I break barriers as I stand

leaving the state nothing but grand



Oil Rig


My days of use are over

sitting empty and alone

I am surrounded by clover

so I will carry on my own


I’ve been emptied of my controller

my demise cannot be atoned

better options came, like solar

the only memory I hold is a tombstone





Yellowstone Lake

The cutthroat returned

their numbers are at full force

Yellowstone is pure

Old Faithful

I am a symbol

dependable as always

shooting my waters



I stand strong as ever

the land is filled with us, we’re

spirit of the west


We flood the entrance

numbers stay strong with our will

the park stays alive





We have become a fully equal state

everyone has matched opportunities

Wyoming is now almost free of hate

together we’re one big community


Every person has a uniform say

democrat, republican doesn't matter

our state makes the decisions either way

all dividing barriers are shattered


Our focal includes hunting and fishing

we are still farmers and people of land

but now things get done without the wishing

and several get the chance to take a stand


Finally, nothing else needs to be done

Wyoming has come together as one


Second Place: Kelli Frimml


Jentry Sims